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In-short, fsh-auto-themes is a plugin that implements Zshell per-directory themes for zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting, i.e.: for a plugin that applies colors to the commands you type in the shell, (see a screenshot). With fsh-auto-themes you'll be able to switch the FSH theme at the moment of entering a particular directory.


This plugin activates after changing current directory in the shell session. It then searches for .fsh-theme file in that new directory or in any upper directory. Example .fsh-theme file contents:

  1. First line: a name of a theme or a path to a theme. The path can use the shorthands supported by fast-theme, e.g.: XDG:x-paragon will point to the file ~/.config/fsh/x-paragon.ini (unless the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is being set to different directory than ~/.config). See fast-theme --help for more information and other shorthands.

  2. Second line: a name or a path of an overlay (an overlay is a theme-like file that overwrites every theme's settings; you can use it to impose your own customizations over any theme).

The plugin will switch current theme to the one in the file and also apply the overlay found in the file. One of the lines can be empty.

If .fsh-theme will not be found, the default theme (the one currently set with the fast-theme tool) will be restored.


Example operation of the plugin:



Example zdharma/zinit invocation:

zinit ice from"<USERNAME>"
zinit light psprint/fsh-auto-themes

With Turbo Mode:

zinit ice wait'1' lucid from"<USERNAME>"
zinit light psprint/fsh-auto-themes