The atload
Ice (and other at…
There are four code-receiving ices: atclone
, atpull
, atinit
, atload
Their role is to receive a portion of Zsh code and execute it in certain
moments of the plugin life-cycle. The atclone
executes it:
- after cloning the associated plugin or snippet to the disk.
The atpull
is similar, but works:
- after updating the associated plugin or snippet.
Next, atinit
works similar, but is being activated:
- before loading of the associated plugin or snippet.
Last, atload
is being activated:
- after loading of the associated plugin or snippet.
For convenience, you can use each of the ices multiple times in single zinit
ice …
invocation – all the passed commands will be executed in the given order.
The atpull
ice recognizes a special value: %atclone
(so the code looks i.e.:
). It causes the contents of the atclone
ice to be copied
into the contents of the atpull
ice. This is handy when the same tasks have to
be performed on clone and on update of plugin or snippet, like e.g.: in the
Direnv example.
Exclamation mark-preceded atload
The wrap-track
ice allows to track and unload plugins that defer their
initialization into a function run later after sourcing the plugin's script –
when the function is called, the plugin is then being fully initialized.
However, if the function is being called from the atload
ice, then there is a
simpler method than the wrap-track
ice – an exclamation mark-preceded
contents. The exclamation mark causes the effects of the execution of
the code passed to atload
ice to be recorded.
For example, in the following invocation:
zinit ice id-as'test' atload'!PATH+=:~/share'
zinit load zdharma-continuum/null
the $PATH
is being changed within atload
ice. Zinit's tracking records
changes and withdraws them on plugin unload, and also shows information
$ zplg report test
Report for test plugin
Source (reporting enabled)
PATH elements added:
As it can be seen, the atload
code is being correctly tracked and can be
unloaded & viewed. Below is the result of using the unload
subcommand to
unload the test
$ zinit unload test
--- Unloading plugin: test ---
Removing PATH element /home/sg/share
Unregistering plugin test
Plugin report saved to $LASTREPORT
Practical example#
The same example as in the Tracking precmd-based Plugins
article, but using the exclamation mark-preceded atload
instead of
# Load when MYPROMPT == 4
zinit ice load'![[ $MYPROMPT = 4 ]]' unload'![[ $MYPROMPT != 4 ]]' \
atload'!source ~/.p10k.zsh; _p9k_precmd'
zinit load romkatv/powerlevel10k
The creation of the four additional Zle-widgets will be recorded (see the
article on wrap-track
for more information) – the effect will
be exactly the same as with the wrap-track
ice. The widgets will be properly
deleted/restored on the plugin unload with MYPROMPT=3
(for example) and the
shell state will be clean, ready to load a new prompt.